ACF grantee REAP is bringing back free monthly forums at the Anchorage Museum! And they’re kicking off on September 8th from 6-8 p.m. by delving into the land of biodiesel, specifically taking a look at the new, large-scale biodiesel plant that opened off Dowling Road in Anchorage in June. The plant, run by Alaska Waste, is collecting used cooking oil from more than 200 restaurants and businesses like the Peanut Farm, Lucky Wishbone and McDonald’s and turning it into biodiesel to run its trucks. (So that means your fry grease is now powering the garbage trucks around town!)
Come find out more about the plant and how biodiesel is made with our presenter, Jeff Jessen of Alaska Green Waste Solutions. Jeff will discuss the plant’s operation, plans for using an estimated 200,000 plus gallons a year of biodiesel, and the benefits of biodiesel economically and environmentally. He’ll also discuss Alaska Waste’s ongoing composting program, which is turning more than 36,000 pounds a week of horse manure, wood chips and produce into compost. September 8, 2010 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Anchorage Museum. For more information or to sign up for the live podcast, contact Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP) at 929-7770 or email: